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Signs Of The Times
Leigh Harrison / Photographer
They may be "chic," but don't they mean "chick peas"?
OK -- I know they meant
"Baby Peeled Carrots"!
"Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law" is what they mean....
Clearly, the fruit in the
foreground are "Grapefruit."
A "baked zit"? What's next -- a "fried pimple"?
Rings have all the fun!
Well..."C" and "S" can sound alike...
but what about the "A" in "drumsticks"?
Ooops...I think they meant "revitalizer"
If you're HOT and a DRUNK, this must be the sauce for you!
Vanilla always thought it was the best....
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Photographs may not be reproduced in any form without the permission of Leigh Harrison.