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Leigh Harrison / Books, Publications
Poetry Performances
Leigh has hosted or co-hosted numerous poetry readings and poetry/music events.
Following is a brief list of some events she has curated:
Songwriter's Showcase & Poet's Open Mic / Element Zero, East Village, NYC 1992
(aired weekly on Manhattan Cable)
Co-Host / Sunday readings at Jane's Cafe, Greenwich Village, NYC, 1993
Host, "Popcorn & Poetry" York College 1992-1994
Moderator / York College Poetry Circle 1993-1994
Co-Host, Poet To Poet event (with Bobby Perfect) at Friends' Cafe Open Mic Series /
Westbrook, CT, 1996
Host, Poet To Poet Open Mic, Back Fence, Greenwich Village, NYC / 2001-2005
Host, SongCrew Open Mic for Poets & Musicians / Munch Cafe, Forest Hills,
NY, 2006-2010
Additionally, over the years, Leigh has performed her poetry at numerous poetry readings
and other events, including readings at schools in the NYC school system as part of
Poetry Month, held annually in April. Below is a partial list of other venues where she has read.
In the NYC area:
Abbey Pub, Ridgewood
Acton Library, Old Saybrook, CT
The Back Fence, Grenwich Village
The Baggot Inn, NYC
Barnes & Noble / 82nd St
Barnes & Noble / Astor Place
Barnes & Noble / Bay Terrace
Barnes & Noble / Carle Place, LI
Barnes & Noble / Forest Hills
Barnes & Noble / Park Slope
Belanthi Gallery, Brooklyn
Biblios Bookstore, Tribeca
Borders Books / Murray Hill
Borders Books / Bohemia, LI
The Bowery Poetry Club
Brownstone Poet's, Brooklyn
The "C" Note, East Village
Cedar Tavern, Greenwich Village
Centerfold Coffeehouse, UWS
Central Park Bandshell
Coney Island High, East Village
Cornelia Street Cafe, West Village
Corrado Bakery / Saturn Reading Series
Crescent City Coffeehouse, LI
Dolphin Books, Nassau
Element Zero, East Village
Emilie Glen's / Barrow Street
Fresco Tortilla, Forest Hills
Green Pavillion, Brooklyn
Hellas Reading, NYC
Hudson River Cafe, Albany
International Books & Cafe, NYC
Jane's Cafe, West Village
Out of State:
Coffeehouse, FDU / Madison, NJ
Friends Coffeehouse, Westbrook, CT
Kairos Reading, West Village
The Kitchen Kabaret, LI
The Knitting Factory, NYC
Le Poeme, Soho
Left Bank Books
Long Island Coffeehouse, Nassau
The Moose Lodge, Queens
Moroccan Star, Brooklyn
Munch Cafe, Forest Hills
Neirs' Tavern, Ridgewood
Nightingale's / Saturn Reading Series
Nomad's Choir, NYC
Old Saybrook, CT', Acton Library
Orange Bear, Tribeca
Phoenix Reading Series, NYC
Pozo, Greenwich Village, NYC
Red Pipes Cafe, Forest Hills
Revival / Saturn Reading Series
Seaburn Books, Astoria
Skewered Syntax Poetry Walk/ McSorley's, NYC
Space On White (Poets On White)
St. Marks Church, West Village
Stowell & Sons Books
Sun Mountain Cafe, Greenwich Village
Tongue Threat Tuesdays, Queens
The Vault, Queens
Voices Israel, West Village
Yakity Yak, Chelsea
Yippie Museum Cafe, Soho
York College Little Theater, CUNY
Zabb's / Saturn Reading Series
Zinc Bar, NYC
Mariposa Reading, MD
Minas Gallery, MD
Victory Hall, Jersey City, NJ