Leigh Harrison's work with
Stanley H. Barkan 1995
Poet To Poet (on YouTube)
Eddie Bell
Tone Bellizzi
Cliff Bleidner
Padma Chakranarayan
Jay Chollick
Adam Merton Cooper
Victoria Crosby
George Dickerson 1997
Alice Didier
Pete Dolack
Evie Ivy
Gabor Gyukics
Lynn Gerber
Connie Goodman
Leigh Harrison
Steve Hartman
Kam Holifield
David Huberman
X. J. Kennedy (Pt. 1)
X. J. Kennedy (Pt. 2)
Saro Liotta
Beverly Matherne
Carol McCarthy
Judith Morley
Brigid Murnaghan
Ms. Clawdy (Pt. 1)
Jane Lawliss Murphy
New Middle Class
Tom Oleszczuk
Tony Paterniti
Bob Perfetto
Su Polo (Pt. 1)
Orna Rav-Hon
S. A. M.
Sheryl Simler
Ella Smith
Adam Szyper
Bruce Weber
"Poet to Poet " guests featured on YouTube:
Anthony Scarpantonio
Roz Rabin
Joshua Meander
Rhina Espaillat (Pt. 1)
Rhina Espaillat (Pt. 2)
David Mark Speer
Paul DeCoster
Francine Witte
Chuck Joy
Vivina Ciolli
Anna Wrobel
Kate Light
Elaine Poon
Marion Palm
Stanley H. Barkan (1999 / Pt. 1)
Andrew Clark
Nelson Alexander
Chocolate Waters
Larry Mallory
ICE (Gayle Johnson)
Su Polo (Pt. 2)
Kenneth Churchill
Edmund Pennant
Kyle Colonna
Bob Bartel
Harry Ellison
Cynthia Andrews
Ad Augieri
Ed Alkalay
John Taylor
Dominika Bednarska
Iris Schwartz
Bob Quatrone
Diana Manister
Robert McDonald
Stanley H. Barkan (1999 / Pt. 2)
Ms. Clawdy (Pt. 2)
Mark Nichols
George Dickerson 1999
Enid Dame & Donald Lev (Pt. 1)
Enid Dame & Donald Lev (Pt. 2)
Michael Graves
Monty Delaney
Vladimir Levchev
Keith Kelly
Hal Sirowitz
Acoustic Poets (Pt. 1)
D.H. Melhem (Pt.2)
Karen Alkalay-Gut
Daniel Weissbrot
Betty Oliver
Susan Scutti
D.H. Melhem (Pt. 1)
Acoustic Poets (Pt. 2)
Michael T. Young
Marc Desmond
Kathy Taler
Bill Duke
Lucy Angeleri
Charlene Babb Knadle
Tom Catterson
Annette Feldman
Frank Ferrara
Daniela Gioseffi
Denis Gray
Simon Gribben
Gerard Hanley
Penelope Maguffin
The Rift Poets
Larissa Shmailo
Ellen Steier
Reese Thompson
Lila Wheeler Duckett
Earl Maxwell Coleman
* * *
Joseph DeRoche
Tom D'Angelo
Tom Conlon
Madeline Artenberg
Robert Kramer
Richard Fein
Dr. Alfred Dorn
Robert Dunn
Len Krisak
G. A. Lee
Jamie Manning
Marilyn Mohr
Brenda Morrisse
Mark Neider
Paul Polansky
Howard Prescott
Ron Price
Len Roberts
Ruth Rosen
Susan Sourby
Judith Werner